Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1740.08.23

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Index Entry Forgive the muse, who in unhallow'd strains [fl] 
Location Charleston 
16-23 Aug 1740:21, 22 (339)
. . . [7 lines, introduction, poem from Prior.]
To the Reverend and Pious Mr. George Whitefield, upon
hearing of his Sickness and Georgia.
   Whitefield! --  --- ---
   Forgive the muse, who in unhallow'd strains
   The saint one moment from his God detains;
   For sure, whate'er you do, wheree'er you are, 
   'Tis all but one good work, one constant pray'r:
   . . . [32 more lines, signed] Philagathus

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1740.08.23 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1740 
Bibliography B0045934
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